Better Drivers. A Better Way.
Driving Tips & News

Make sure your load is secure.
Premier Driving Academy reminds you to tie down all cargo when hauling items in an open truck bed or trailer. This may help to prevent

Car versus deer collisions
Premier Driving Academy staff member discusses car/deer collisions in the following KY3 story: What should I do when I encounter a deer or any

Yielding when turning left at traffic signal, for new drivers this may be confusing.
Keep in mind that when opposing lanes of traffic have a green light, the cross traffic has red lights. You are yielding to oncoming traffic,

Response to Coronavirus
Lets get to work! We will keep this post direct and to the point. Premier considers its services essential! Instructing new driver skills that last

Premier’s Winter Driving Tips to Keep You Safe
BEFORE YOU GO Make sure all the fluids in your vehicle are filled up and ready for winter. That means antifreeze in the coolant system,

Premier Driving Academy Featured on KY3
New option for driver’s ed in Springfield area, instructors slammed after Mercy stopped program SPRINGFIELD, Mo. — It’s no secret for parents of teenagers– driver’s education